The binding legal decree of the Sons & Daughters of God!
Deliverance Prayer, Breaking Generational Curses
by Justin Leoni
My Father which are in heaven, hallow be Thy name. I come before You first as my Father.
In the name of Jesus, with the authority which has been given to me by, the blood spilled upon the earth, and the record kept in the earth, of Your blood. I give praise to Thee and thanks to You Almighty God. For You are the great creator of all things, and I exalt Thee above all others. You O'Mighty God, whom I revere over all others, and I acknowledge You as my Father above all. Thus proclaiming my life Your's to command.
From this day forth with all authority do I solemnly decree fidelity and allegiance to You Father God. I put on the livery of heaven, Your armor O'Lord, which has been appointed to us by the association of the Lord Jesus Christ, do here-by invoke all privileges entitled by said association of the heavenly livery.
Father, Your word says You will be our Judge. Today I come before You asking that today You to be my Judge. I humbly submit before You God Almighty, Judge of the sons and daughters of You, with Your two witnesses, come before You to petition the heavenly courts to be opened unto myself.
Father, O'Merciful Judge, I plead my legal argument to You. I repent Father God for all bloodline iniquities and covenants which may have been made upon my bloodline, all the way to Adam. Father there may be curses which have been made, and if so, where done without my prior consent. I acknowledge not only my sins, which have already been forgiven and paid for in full, by the blood of Christ, Jesus, whom is my Lord, Savior, King, and Son of You O'Holy one, but also the sins of my kinsman.
Father, I accept Your mercy and salvation for not only my life, but that of my family. I ask upon the mercy of the courts of heaven, in the name of Jesus, to unbind my family line from the snares of the enemy.
For far too long has the power of darkness turned a phrase to steal from the sons and daughters of You Almighty God, our precious time from You our true Father! We do not condemn those who came before us Father, for they knew not what they had been done. But today I humbly accept the responsibility of repentance for my entire bloodline. For Your law says that the Earth is waiting for us to manifest, and thus by taking my authority, I manifest myself as a child of You, The Holy One whom sits upon the throne in heaven.
I ask today Father for intercession from the heavenly courts to find the adversary in breach of his contract against me and my family. For on this day I accept my authority, my debt has been paid in full by Jesus Christ, Your Son. I no longer will be in bondage through legal means in the spiritual realm to the enemy. In the Mighty Name of Jesus.
I ask, neigh I plead, that if it pleases the courts of heaven, by Your blood O'Lord, which as spilt for each of us, to speak on behalf of my bloodline in the courts of heaven.
I acknowledge that in the spiritual realm, the enemy my have upon my bloodline a legal binding contract. I do hereby render that legal matter null and void, by breach of contract. This legal matter brought forth by my adversary should be rendered by the court torn, and the scroll to which it is written upon, like the veil is now torn! In Yeshua's name.
All thievery and trickery thru out my bloodline, no longer gives the enemy any authority over my life, or that of my family. Including but not limited to my spouse, my children, parents and other family members natural or extended.
For this families bloodline is anew with the Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, King of kings & Lord of lords. From this day and forevermore, in this life and the next to come, in Jesus Name.
I humbly accept the livery of heaven which has been presented to me, including all titles, lands, food and other gifts from You unto myself and family, by Your authority and word Almighty God.
I humbly submit to you my Father, my Judge and Friend, in the name of Christ Jesus,