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The Forgotten Story Written in the Stars:
Rediscovering the Mazzaroth and the Hidden 13th Constellation
by J. Leoni
New Wine Ministry - Statement of Faith
by New Wine Team
Has the Church Adopted Pagan Worship?
A Biblical Call to Return to True Worship
by W. Leoni
The Great Discipleship Divide:
Why the Church Trains but Rarely Deploys
by J. Leoni
The Kingdom Has Been Here for 2,000 Years:
Why the Church Missed It
by J. Leoni
The Sobering Reality of Spiritual Warfare:
Understanding the Vastness of Darkness and the Power of the Ligh
by J. Leoni
Breaking the Chains:
Biblical Freedom vs. Modern Slavery
by J. Leoni
A Journey, Not Perfection
by J. Leoni
Restoring the Forgotten Books:
The Apocrypha and Its Modern Relevance
by J. Leoni
How to Fast Properly:
A Biblical Guide to a Powerful Spiritual Discipline
by J. Leoni
Breaking the Bubble of Racism:
A Biblical Perspective on Unity
by J. Leoni
Signs in the Heavens:
Blood Moons, Prophecies, and the Return of Christ
by J. Leoni
Does God Stop the Devil?
Understanding God's Protection and Purpose
by J. Leoni
The Savior of Saviors:
Rethinking the Church's Understanding of Obadiah 1:21
by J. Leoni
A Biblical Perspective on God’s Eternal Clock
by J. Leoni
Jesus or Yeshua?
Understanding the Name of Our Savior
by J. Leoni
Kings and Priests:
The Forgotten Identity of Believers
by J. Leoni
The Beauty and Power of Relationship with Christ:
A Scriptural Rebuttal to Misguided Claims
by J. Leoni
Broken Vessels:
How God Uses Imperfection to Reveal His Glory
by J. Leoni
The Rise of Narcissism:
A Biblical Call to Authenticity
by J. Leoni
What Is a Friend?
A Biblical Exploration
by W. Leoni
A Call to Discernment:
Trusting in Him Over Man-Made Systems
by J. Leoni
The Kingdom Is Among Us:
A Personal Revelation of Christ’s Return
by W. Leoni
Born Again: Of Water and Spirit—
The Cleansing and Renewal for Kingdom Living
by J. Leoni
Engaging in Spiritual Warfare:
A Real-World Battle for the Kingdom
by J. Leoni
Gethsemane & Moriah:
The Test of the Elect in the Final Hour
by J. Leoni
The Prosperity Gospel
by J. Leoni
The Mazzaroth, Planetary Alignments:
and Their Prophetic Implications
by J. Leoni
The Mirror of Time:
A Biblical Perspective on History and Prophecy
by J. Leoni
The Expanding Conflict:
A New Front in the Axis of Evil
by J. Leoni
Theological Reflections on Absence:
Cold, Darkness, and Evil
by J. Leoni
The Dangers of the Pope’s Actions:
A Deep Dive into Symbolism, Prophecy, and the Will of God
by J. Leoni
The Biblical Prophecy and Its Relevance in Modern Geopolitics
by J. Leoni
by Unknown
I Am New, So Where Do I Start?
With so many books to choose from.
by J. Leoni
Praying with Legal Authority in the Heavenly Realm:
Structure and Scriptural Guide
by J. Leoni
Purification Through Tribulation:
Yahweh’s Plan of Redemption
by J. Leoni
Cristianismo e Islamismo:
Uma Análise Comparativa sobre a Fé e a Salvação através de Jesus
by J. Leoni
Christianity and Islam:
A Comparative Analysis on Faith and Salvation through Jesus
by J. Leoni
Spiritual Warfare
by J. Leoni
Under The Oak Tree
by Wendy and Justin Leoni
Structure of a Prayer
Is there a specific way?
by J. Leoni
The Trial and Condemnation of Pilate
by Unknown
The Report of Pilate The Governor, Concerning our Lord
Jesus Christ; which was Sent to Augustus Cæsar, In Rome.
by Pontius Pilate
The Epistle of Pontius Pilate, Which He Wrote
To the Roman Emperor Concerning our Lord Jesus Christ
by Pontius Pilate
Letter of Herod to Pilate The Governor
and other Roman Figures
by Herod et al.
The binding legal decree of the Sons & Daughters of God!
Deliverance Prayer, Breaking Generational Curses
by Justin Leoni
Ancient Gods in Modern Times
by Wendy Leoni
Report of Pontius Pilate to Caesar Tiberius
The Roman Emperor and ruler at crucifixion
by Pontius Pilate
Overcomers of Ephesus and Smyrna
by Wendy Leoni
What is Love?
by Wendy Leoni
by Wendy Leoni
Take Back Your Authority
by Wendy Leoni
by Wendy Leoni
The 1611 King James Bible
by John L. Jeffcoat III
Timeline of Bible Translation History
by John L. Jeffcoat III
The History of The English Bible & The History of
The Christian Church Meet In The Protestant Reformation
by John L. Jeffcoat III.