The Dangers of the Pope’s Actions:
A Deep Dive into Symbolism, Prophecy, and the Will of God
by J. Leoni
The world finds itself in a moment where religious symbolism, political power, and spiritual meaning collide in ways that evoke deep concern for the state of humanity. In particular, recent actions by the Pope, including the opening of what have been described as “portals,” raise profound questions about the direction the Catholic Church is taking and the potential consequences for all those who have not aligned themselves with the will of God.
At the heart of these concerns is the interplay between ancient symbolism, scriptural prophecy, and the global events unfolding in front of us. The Pope’s actions, particularly his references to opening “portals” and symbolic doors, are more than mere theological exercises—they tap into an esoteric tradition and echo the darkest spiritual forces warned about in Scripture. Understanding the full ramifications of these actions requires a careful exploration of the deeper meanings behind the symbolism and the prophetic timelines that seem to be converging at this moment in history.
The Role of the Pope and the Vatican in Global Spiritual Power
To fully grasp the gravity of what is happening, we must first examine the role of the Pope and the Vatican in the broader scheme of global spiritual power. The papacy has historically been the center of Catholic Christianity, with the Pope seen as the vicar of Christ on Earth, entrusted with guiding the faithful and overseeing the doctrine of the Church. However, the papacy’s influence extends far beyond matters of faith—it has been intricately tied to the political, financial, and social spheres of the world.
Through the centuries, the Vatican has accumulated immense power, both spiritual and temporal, which has often been linked to human corruption, secrecy, and manipulation. The Church has been implicated in numerous controversies, from financial scandals to controversial political alliances. And while many faithful adherents see the Pope as a figure of divine authority, others recognize that the papacy, like any institution, can be susceptible to human failings and the temptation of power.
One of the most alarming aspects of the current papacy is the increasing trend to invoke symbolism that straddles the line between the sacred and the esoteric. This is seen most clearly in the recent language surrounding “portals.” The term “portal” is often used in occult or New Age circles to describe an opening between dimensions, realms, or states of being. While it may be framed in spiritual terms, the use of such language can also be seen as an attempt to manipulate or open gateways to forces that are not aligned with the divine will.
The Symbolism of Portals: A Gateway to Deception
The Pope’s reference to opening “portals” is not a mere theological or liturgical gesture; it taps into a much older and more dangerous tradition of spiritual gateways. Throughout history, “portals” have symbolized thresholds between different realms of existence—whether physical, spiritual, or metaphysical. These openings are often associated with transformative moments that signify a change in direction, power, or purpose.
In the context of the Vatican’s recent actions, these “portals” may be seen as more than just symbolic doors. They could be perceived as actual metaphysical thresholds that the Pope is helping to open, inviting not only the faithful but the world at large into a new spiritual paradigm. This is particularly concerning given the growing influence of the Vatican in global politics and its increasing alignment with secular, globalist agendas. The Church’s shift towards such ambiguous symbolism may suggest that it is no longer solely a beacon of divine truth but a player in a broader, potentially darker, spiritual game.
Historically, “portals” in religious and occult traditions have been seen as means of access to hidden or forbidden knowledge. In many traditions, including Christianity, such knowledge is often associated with pride, corruption, and the temptation to take control of the divine plan. This aligns closely with the story of Lucifer, the fallen angel who sought to usurp God’s authority and “ascend above the stars of God” (Isaiah 14:13-14). By invoking such imagery, the Vatican may inadvertently (or deliberately) be aligning itself with forces that are not divinely ordained but are instead seeking to manipulate the spiritual and earthly realms for their own purposes.
The 490-Year Cycle and the Decree of 1535: A Prophetic Countdown
Adding to the urgency of this moment is the 490-year cycle that will culminate in 2025, stemming from the decree issued by Ottoman Emperor Suleiman the Magnificent in 1535. Many prophecy watchers have linked this cycle to the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, particularly the “seventy weeks” of Daniel, which are traditionally understood to represent a period of 490 years that culminates in a period of judgment and transformation.
In the prophetic tradition, the end of this 490-year cycle is seen as a pivotal moment for the fulfillment of God’s plan. Some interpret the events surrounding the end of this cycle as marking the culmination of humanity’s spiritual journey, a time when the forces of good and evil will engage in their final battle. The fact that this cycle ends in 2025, the same year the Pope is invoking “portals” and participating in increasingly esoteric rituals, is a deeply unsettling coincidence for many believers who view these actions as a signal of the coming fulfillment of apocalyptic prophecy.
This period of 490 years is significant because it represents the span of time during which God’s judgment, as described in the Book of Daniel, will unfold. If we take this understanding seriously, the Pope’s actions—such as opening “portals” and engaging in other symbolic acts—could be seen as part of the larger narrative of the unfolding end times. These symbolic gestures, when framed against the backdrop of prophetic cycles, suggest that the Vatican may be preparing for a pivotal role in the spiritual and political upheavals that are coming.
Revelation and the Beast: The Transfer of Power to the Serpent
The most alarming aspect of the Pope’s actions, especially in relation to the idea of opening “portals,” is their potential connection to the dark forces described in the Book of Revelation. Revelation 13 speaks of the “beast,” a powerful, oppressive force that will arise in the last days, and Revelation 12 describes the dragon, often interpreted as Satan, who seeks to deceive the world and lead it into rebellion against God.
In Revelation, we are told that the “beast” will receive its power from the dragon, and that this transfer of power will mark a period of intense persecution for the faithful. The symbolic language used in Revelation, including references to the dragon and the beast, is often interpreted as describing a spiritual war that will culminate in the final judgment.
Given that the Pope’s actions are increasingly aligned with globalist, secular, and esoteric forces, there is a growing concern that the Vatican is positioning itself as a key player in this apocalyptic narrative. By invoking terms like “portals” and aligning itself with political and spiritual powers that are not traditionally Christian, the Pope may be inadvertently (or deliberately) opening the door for the rise of the “beast” and the transfer of power to the serpent, as described in Revelation.
The Call for Alignment with God’s Will
In light of all these concerns, the most urgent message is one of spiritual alignment with God’s will. Revelation repeatedly calls for believers to endure through the trials of the end times, to resist the temptations of the beast, and to remain faithful to God’s truth. In Revelation 1:3, we are told that “blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and keep what is written in it.” This is a call to not only understand the times in which we live but to act according to God’s will, trusting in His sovereignty and wisdom.
For those who have not yet aligned themselves with the will of God, the time to act is now. The Pope’s actions, while cloaked in spiritual language, may be setting the stage for the rise of powerful forces that seek to deceive and manipulate the world. It is crucial for individuals to remain vigilant, to discern the signs of the times, and to align themselves with God’s truth as revealed in Scripture. In this moment, when the Vatican is opening symbolic “portals” and invoking the language of ancient powers, the faithful must stand firm in their devotion to the one true God, guarding their hearts and minds against the forces that seek to deceive and destroy.
The Chinese Calendar, Wooden Dragon, Serpent, and Biblical Parallels
As we delve deeper into the intersections of ancient symbolism and prophecy, it is important to explore how the Chinese zodiac not only speaks to the Year of the Wooden Dragon in 2024 but also the larger progression of the serpent’s influence as it leads into the Year of the Serpent in 2025. The symbolism of the Wooden Dragon, paired with the serpent, offers a poignant reflection of the ongoing spiritual battle and a warning for those who seek alignment with worldly powers instead of the will of God.
The Wooden Dragon: A Symbol of Idolatry and Power
The Chinese zodiac operates on a 60-year cycle, and in 2024, we encounter the Year of the Wooden Dragon, a symbol of strength, transformation, and power. Dragons have long been a symbol of authority and control, revered in many cultures for their perceived omnipotence. When combined with the element of wood, however, the dragon takes on an additional layer of meaning. Wood, in ancient Chinese symbolism, can be tied to life and growth, but it can also represent the material, earthly aspects of creation—potentially leading to idolatry and misplaced power.
This brings to mind the biblical story of the Israelites, who fell into idolatry when they created the golden calf. Similarly, the “Wooden Dragon” in the Chinese zodiac may evoke a warning against elevating earthly powers or false deities above the true God. In this light, the Wooden Dragon is not just a symbol of strength, but also a symbol of spiritual danger—a temptation to place one’s faith in created things rather than in the Creator.
The Year of the Serpent: The Transition of Power
What makes the Year of the Wooden Dragon even more critical is that it sets the stage for the Year of the Serpent in 2025. While the Dragon symbolizes power and authority, the Serpent brings an entirely different form of influence—deception, temptation, and the gradual erosion of truth. This transition mirrors the spiritual progression described in the Bible, where the serpent (Satan) is associated with lies, deceit, and the undermining of God’s word.
In Revelation, the serpent is directly linked to the “beast”—an embodiment of worldly and spiritual corruption. Revelation 13 speaks of the beast receiving its power from the dragon (Satan), and then passing that power onto another force, often associated with the Antichrist. This “transfer of power” between the dragon and the serpent in the Chinese zodiac may reflect a deeper, symbolic transition as well: the transition from raw, overt power (Dragon) to subtle, insidious deception (Serpent).
The serpent is most commonly associated with Satan in biblical theology. In Genesis, it is the serpent who tempts Eve, leading humanity into the fall of sin. In Revelation, the serpent reappears as a key player in the final battle between good and evil. This subtle shift from the Dragon to the Serpent in the Chinese zodiac should therefore be seen as a spiritual warning, foreshadowing a deepening of deception and manipulation.
The Wooden Dragon and the Serpent: Parallel Biblical Themes
In biblical terms, wood often carries significant symbolism. The cross, made of wood, represents the salvation of humanity through Jesus Christ, while the wooden idols that the Israelites created in the Old Testament serve as a symbol of spiritual corruption and idolatry. The connection between wood and idol worship has been woven throughout history, from the Golden Calf to the modern-day distractions that pull people away from the truth.
However, as the year of the Wooden Dragon gives way to the Year of the Serpent, we can interpret this transition as an echo of the biblical theme of judgment. Just as the Israelites’ idol worship led them into spiritual decline, so too might the current idolization of power, wealth, and control lead the world into deception and corruption. The serpent, as the great deceiver, would naturally emerge as the next phase of the world’s spiritual downfall—a creature that slithers quietly, undetected at first, but ultimately leading people away from the truth of God’s Word.
The Chinese Word for “Boat” and the Ark of Noah
In addition to the wooden symbolism, it is also crucial to consider how ancient Chinese culture understood biblical stories, particularly those of Noah’s Ark. In the Chinese language, the word for “boat” (chuán, 船) is visually constructed in a way that suggests the large wooden vessel used to save Noah, his family, and the animals from the great flood. The Chinese character for boat incorporates elements that are believed to resemble a great wooden vessel, which has long been interpreted as a symbol of salvation.
This connection to Noah’s Ark is profound, as it underscores the Chinese culture’s knowledge of the biblical narrative. Noah’s Ark, which carried eight people to safety during the great flood, symbolizes the preservation of life and a fresh start after judgment. The number eight, in Chinese culture, is associated with prosperity and continuity, aligning with the idea of a new beginning, much as the Ark offered a fresh start for humanity after God’s judgment. The significance of eight in the context of the boat character reinforces the idea of divine protection and the need for righteousness.
However, the transition from the Wooden Dragon to the Serpent in 2025 raises a spiritual question. While Noah’s Ark offered salvation, the serpent represents the opposite: temptation and the invitation to turn away from God’s salvation. The serpent slithers into the hearts of humanity, offering false promises of security and enlightenment, just as it did in the Garden of Eden. The connection between the Year of the Wooden Dragon and the Serpent may therefore be a reminder that while salvation has been offered, the world must remain vigilant against the subtle allure of deception.
A Call for Vigilance and Alignment with God’s Will
The Year of the Wooden Dragon, followed by the Year of the Serpent, serves as a powerful spiritual warning. As we consider the biblical symbolism embedded in both the Chinese zodiac and the spiritual forces at play in our world today, it becomes clear that we are entering a critical period of spiritual testing. The Wooden Dragon, while symbolizing strength and transformation, also carries the risk of idolatry and misplaced trust in earthly powers. As this dragon gives way to the serpent, there is an undeniable call to resist the temptations of deceit and false hope.
As we approach the end of the 490-year prophetic cycle in 2025, which marks a significant moment in the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, it is more important than ever for individuals to align themselves with God’s will. The serpent’s deception will seek to lead many astray, just as the Wooden Dragon represents the temptation to trust in created things rather than the Creator.
By remaining grounded in the truth of God’s Word, and by understanding the deeper spiritual meanings embedded in both ancient symbolism and current events, we can better navigate the tumultuous times ahead. The transition from the Wooden Dragon to the Serpent is not just a cosmic shift in the Chinese zodiac, but a powerful reflection of the spiritual battle between light and darkness. Let us remain vigilant, and keep our eyes fixed on the ultimate source of salvation—Jesus Christ, the true Light of the world.
As we stand on the precipice of a new era, marked by the convergence of prophetic timelines, global political shifts, and spiritual transformations, we must remain sober and vigilant. The Pope’s recent actions, including the opening of “portals” and the invocation of esoteric symbolism, should be viewed with great caution. They may be part of a larger spiritual strategy that aligns with the forces of darkness described in Revelation.
For those who have not yet aligned themselves with the will of God, this is a time of great urgency. The signs of the times are unfolding before us, and it is critical to remain steadfast in faith, trusting in God’s plan and preparing for the spiritual battles that lie ahead. May we all heed the warnings of Scripture, stand firm in our devotion to God, and prepare ourselves for the fulfillment of His divine plan.