A Call to Discernment:

Trusting in Him Over Man-Made Systems

by J. Leoni

In the past few years, we have witnessed what can only be described as a pivotal moment in history. The world has faced tremendous challenges, including a pandemic, societal upheavals, and rapid technological advances. Yet, amidst all of this, one truth remains unshaken: God calls His people to discernment, to trust in Him rather than the systems of man.

This isn’t about fear-mongering or fostering division. It’s about looking to God as our ultimate source of wisdom, hope, and security, even as we navigate a world filled with man-made solutions that often promise more than they deliver. It’s a call to live by faith, guided by His Word, and to recognize when trust has been misplaced.

The Early Harvest: A Story of Loss and Revelation

A woman I know experienced a heartbreaking season in 2022. Within a few short months, she lost her beloved mother-in-law, a devout Catholic, and her husband, who turned to Christ in his final moments. These losses were not merely tragic—they were part of what can be described as the "early harvest," a time when God’s judgment begins to reveal itself, separating those who trust Him from those who lean on their own understanding.

Judgment is often misunderstood as fire and brimstone. In reality, it’s a divine proceeding—a process where God evaluates hearts and actions, leading to either blessing or consequence. For this woman, the early harvest was a refining fire, drawing her closer to God and strengthening her resolve to walk in faith. But it also served as a sobering reminder: judgment comes to all—the righteous and the unrighteous alike.

This principle is vividly illustrated in Matthew 24:40-41, where Jesus describes two people in a field: one is taken, and the other is left. Many interpret this as evidence of a secret rapture, but the context tells a different story. When the disciples ask, "Where are they taken, Lord?" Jesus replies, "Wherever the vultures gather, there the corpses will be."(Luke 17:37). This imagery points to judgment, not deliverance. The "taken" are removed for punishment, while the righteous remain to inherit the earth.

The early harvest revealed this truth: judgment is not about fear; it’s about God’s justice and mercy, refining His people while calling others to repentance.

Man-Made Solutions: Promises Without Wisdom

In this same season, we’ve seen the rise of man-made solutions presented as the answer to humanity’s problems. Chief among these has been the promotion of mRNA technology, first through vaccines during the pandemic and now in proposed treatments for conditions like cancer.

Let’s be clear: technological advances can be tools of God’s grace when used wisely and ethically. But what happens when trust in these tools replaces trust in the Creator? What happens when these solutions bring unintended consequences?

We have already seen the devastating effects of mRNA technology, from neurological issues to turbo cancers and reproductive harm. Now, companies are pushing the same technology as a solution for the very conditions it may have contributed to. It’s a cycle of harm disguised as progress, where the promises of man-made systems overshadow the wisdom of God.

Scripture warns us about this misplaced trust:

  • "Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help, who rely on horses, who trust in the multitude of their chariots and in the great strength of their horsemen, but do not look to the Holy One of Israel, or seek help from the Lord."(Isaiah 31:1)

  • "Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save." (Psalm 146:3)

The message is clear: when we place our faith in human systems rather than God, we open ourselves to deception.

Discernment in the Face of Deception

Jesus warned His disciples about the dangers of deception in the last days. "For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." (Matthew 24:24). This warning extends beyond false religious leaders to any system or ideology that seeks to replace God as the ultimate authority.

Consider the narrative around mRNA technology. It’s being marketed as a breakthrough, a cure-all, a savior of humanity. But at what cost? When we blindly accept these solutions without seeking God’s wisdom, we risk falling into the very deception Jesus warned about.

Discernment means asking hard questions:

  • Are these solutions aligned with God’s design for the body?

  • Are they motivated by genuine care for humanity or by profit and control?

  • Are they leading us closer to reliance on God or further into dependence on man-made systems?

Discernment also means recognizing the pattern of judgment. Just as the early harvest revealed hearts and motives, the decisions we make now will determine whether we align with God’s will or the ways of the world.

The Call to Trust Him

The solution isn’t fear or paranoia. It’s trust. Trust in the God who knit us together in the womb (Psalm 139:13). Trust in His wisdom, His timing, and His provision. Trust that His judgment is not something to dread but something to embrace as part of His redemptive plan.

Judgment reveals. It refines. It prepares us for the main harvest, which is coming soon. The early harvest took many, but those who remain are called to stand firm, to endure, and to trust in the One who holds all things in His hands.

"Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell." (Matthew 10:28). This is not a call to terror but to perspective. Our lives are not our own; they belong to the One who redeemed us.

A Time for Action

As we look to the future, let this be a time of awakening. Seek God’s wisdom in all things. Pray for discernment. Encourage others to trust in Him rather than the fleeting promises of man-made systems.

God is still sending saviors—people who act as His hands and feet, bringing deliverance and truth. But it is up to us to recognize them, to align ourselves with His plan, and to trust Him above all else.

The harvest is coming. Will you be ready? Will you trust in the Lord, or in the chariots of Egypt? The choice is ours, but the invitation is clear: put your faith in Him, and He will never fail you.

By stepping into the roles God has prepared for us, we reflect the character of Christ. We become instruments of His grace, pointing others to the true Savior, Jesus Christ. Let us walk in discernment, boldness, and unwavering trust as we prepare for the days ahead.