The Kingdom Is Among Us:
A Personal Revelation of Christ’s Return
by W. Leoni
Introduction: A Kingdom Perspective Beyond Western Theology
Western eschatology often paints a picture of Christ’s return as a singular, global event in the future, with believers raptured into heaven while the world spirals into destruction. But what if this perspective misses the deeper, more personal reality of how the Kingdom of God operates? What if Christ’s return is not merely a one-time event but an ongoing unveiling of His presence, power, and redemption in the lives of His people?
This article explores a biblically grounded understanding of Christ’s return and the Kingdom’s growth, illustrated through a personal testimony of deliverance, restoration, and divine encounter.
My Experience of Christ’s Return in 2022
In 2022, my life was turned upside down. Over the course of just a few months, I experienced profound loss, divine deliverance, and miraculous restoration. Through it all, Christ revealed Himself to me in ways that forever changed my understanding of His Kingdom and His return.
It began during the Passover season, when my mother-in-law passed away. After her death, I brought her clothes to the church she had attended. While I was there, I encountered Christ in a way that transcended all earthly understanding. It was as if a portal to heaven opened, and I could feel, see, hear, taste, and sense His overwhelming love for me—all at once. It was a moment of complete immersion in His presence, a tangible encounter with the divine.
Unbeknownst to me at the time, I was sick with the same mysterious infection that had taken my mother-in-law’s life. Just a couple of months later, during the Pentecost season, my husband also succumbed to this illness. I began to feel the grip of death myself, and in my desperation, I called on the name of Jesus.
The Vision of Heaven’s Armies
In that moment, I was given a vision of a great battle in the heavens. Right above my house, I saw the armies of heaven and hell clashing. Reinforcements from heaven were pouring in, and the air was filled with thunder, though there was no rain. I heard these words echo through the heavens: “And thus, a new tribe is born.” I also heard, “America, America, God shed His grace on thee.”
God intervened miraculously, sending a doctor who prescribed the correct medicine to treat the infection. I was delivered not just physically but spiritually, as I witnessed the power of Christ’s love and the reality of His Kingdom breaking through into my life.
The Rewards of the Throne Room
Soon after, I had another vision—this time of a rewards ceremony in the throne room of Heaven. It was as if I had entered the Bema Seat of Christ, where crowns and spiritual gifts were being given to those who had passed their trials. I received both a crown and spiritual gifts, confirming that God was not only delivering me but also equipping me for a new purpose in His Kingdom.
Restoration and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Several months later, after my husband’s death, God began a work of restoration that only He could orchestrate. He introduced me to my current husband—a man who embodies God’s grace and love in ways I never imagined possible. Our union felt like a reflection of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb—a celebration of new beginnings and divine restoration. God has not only healed me completely but has restored everything I lost, and more.
Rethinking Salvation—It’s About Deliverance
Through my experiences, I’ve come to understand that salvation isn’t just about avoiding hell. It’s about deliverance—being set free from bondage, restored to wholeness, and brought into alignment with God’s Kingdom.
Biblical Insights:
• Joel 2:32: “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” This speaks of deliverance during crisis, not just eternal destiny.
• Psalm 34:17: “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles.”
My story is a testimony to the depth of God’s deliverance—physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Salvation is about restoration, healing, and stepping into the fullness of life in His Kingdom.
The Kingdom Is Growing—A Seed Planted 2,000 Years Ago
The Kingdom of Heaven didn’t begin in 2022. It was planted 2,000 years ago when Christ walked the earth, and it has been growing ever since. Jesus often described the Kingdom as a seed (Matthew 13:31-33)—something small that grows over time until it fills the earth.
While the enemy has tried to usurp the Kingdom, as evidenced in my vision of the heavenly battle, Christ’s return is not about starting something new but reclaiming and restoring what is already His.
Christ’s Return—Personal, Progressive, and Ultimate
My experience in 2022 taught me that Christ’s return is deeply personal. It isn’t just a future global event but an ongoing reality, as He reveals Himself to those who call on His name.
Case-by-Case Revelation:
• John 14:21: “The one who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I too will love them and show Myself to them.”
• Like Mary Magdalene, the disciples, and Thomas after the resurrection, Christ reveals Himself uniquely to each of us, meeting us in our struggles and drawing us into His Kingdom.
Living in the Kingdom Today
As someone who has walked through this journey, I now see the Kingdom of God as an active reality, not just a future hope. We are called to participate in its growth, calling on His name, and standing as witnesses to His power and love.
Conclusion: A New Tribe is Born
Through loss, deliverance, and restoration, God revealed to me a profound truth: His Kingdom is here, growing in the hearts and lives of those who call on Him. The words I heard—“And thus, a new tribe is born”—weren’t just about me. They are about all of us who are stepping into the fullness of His Kingdom, carrying His light, and advancing His reign on earth.
May this testimony inspire you to seek Christ, call on His name, and experience His Kingdom breaking into your life today.