Born Again: Of Water and Spirit—

The Cleansing and Renewal for Kingdom Living

by J. Leoni

Living WaterIn the Scriptures, Jesus' words to Nicodemus resonate as both an invitation and a challenge: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” (John 3:5). This profound statement holds layers of meaning, connecting the spiritual reality of baptism to the physical element of water and the transformative work of the Holy Spirit. The role of water throughout Scripture is undeniable—it cleanses, renews, and even signifies the triumph of God’s power over evil. From Genesis to Revelation, water flows as a symbol of life, purity, and the very presence of God.

One of the clearest illustrations of the spiritual power of water lies in the Gospel story of the Gerasene demoniac (Mark 5:1-20, Matthew 8:28-34). When Jesus casts out the Legion of demons, they beg Him not to send them into the abyss but instead into a herd of pigs. Once the demons enter the pigs, the entire herd rushes into the sea and drowns. The water, in this instance, serves as both a boundary and a grave for the demonic presence. This moment reveals a spiritual truth: demons are repelled by water, particularly when it is imbued with the authority of God. Water symbolizes cleansing and judgment—a place where the unclean is swallowed up and defeated. Even creation itself, as seen in the actions of the pigs, recognizes the destructive power of demonic forces and instinctively seeks water as a refuge or boundary.

This reality ties directly into the significance of baptism. In Romans 6:3-4, Paul explains that baptism is a burial and resurrection: “We were buried therefore with Him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.” Immersion in water is not merely symbolic; it is a spiritual act of alignment with the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. It is a moment of cleansing, a declaration of death to sin and demonic power, and a rising into the new life of the Spirit. Early Christian texts like the Didache emphasize the importance of baptism in “living water,” flowing and fresh, reflecting the vitality and purity of God’s Spirit. This preference for living water underscores its connection to the life-giving and sanctifying power of God.

On March 26, 2022, I experienced the transformative power of water in a way that forever changed my life. In a moment of brokenness and surrender, I encountered the overwhelming presence of God in the shower. As the water poured over me, it was as if the Spirit of God was cleansing not just my body but my soul. That moment became my personal place of rebirth, where I was truly born again of water and Spirit. Since then, the shower has become a sacred space for me—a secret place of communion with YHWH Himself. It is where I receive visions, feel His presence most tangibly, and am reminded of His continual cleansing and renewal.

Why is water so central to our spiritual lives? From the very beginning, water has been a marker of God’s creative and redemptive work. In Genesis 1:2, the Spirit of God hovered over the waters, bringing order out of chaos. In Noah’s time, water became the means of judgment and purification, wiping away wickedness and making way for a new creation. In the Exodus story, the Red Sea became both a path of deliverance for God’s people and a grave for their enemies. And in the New Testament, Jesus Himself was baptized in the Jordan River, not because He needed cleansing, but to fulfill all righteousness and model obedience for us. At His baptism, the heavens opened, the Spirit descended like a dove, and the Father’s voice declared, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). Baptism, and water itself, carries the weight of God’s presence and approval.

If water holds this much power, what would happen if we consecrated not just our bodies but the very places where we encounter water daily? Imagine transforming your bathtub or shower into a holy place of communion with God. This is not merely symbolic; it is a declaration that every part of your life, including the vulnerable moments of cleansing, belongs to Him. As we see in Ephesians 5:26, Christ’s desire is to sanctify and cleanse His bride, the Church, “by the washing of water with the word.” The act of consecrating your shower or bathtub can become a daily reminder of His sanctifying work in your life, a space where you meet Him and are renewed.

Here is a prayer to consecrate your tub or shower as a sacred place:

Heavenly Father,

I dedicate this space to You. Just as You have used water throughout Scripture to cleanse, renew, and bring life, I ask that You sanctify this place for Your purposes. May this shower (or bathtub) be a meeting place where Your presence dwells. Let the water that flows here remind me of the living water You promised—a wellspring of eternal life through Your Spirit. As I step into this space, may I feel Your cleansing power, washing away not only the physical but also the spiritual impurities. Let this be a place of renewal, where I am reminded daily of my baptism, my identity in Christ, and Your continual work of sanctification in me. In the name of Jesus, I consecrate this space for Your glory. Amen.

The act of anointing your property or dedicating your shower may seem simple, but it aligns with the biblical principle of consecration—setting apart something for God’s exclusive use. In the Old Testament, the Tabernacle and its furnishings were anointed with oil and declared holy. In the same way, you can use oil to anoint the corners of your home or the edges of your bathtub or shower, declaring them to be places where God’s presence is welcomed and where no unclean thing may dwell. Let this practice remind you of 1 Corinthians 6:19-20: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”

As you read this, I invite you to take a step of faith. Dedicate not just your property, but your most intimate spaces to God. Transform your shower or bathtub into a sanctuary of communion with the Creator. Let the living water of His Spirit cleanse and renew you daily. And as you walk this journey, may you find that the simple act of consecration brings profound transformation. In the same way that the Spirit hovered over the waters in the beginning, may He hover over your life, bringing order, renewal, and His divine presence.